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The summer of love

Swimming is my newfound love. It is, after all, one of the best ways to beat the summer heat. Unfortunately, everybody else wants to swim these days, so every lap is a fight for your own lane. Here's how to get your laps done nonetheless.

My goal is 20 laps a day. I do 40 at times, when I skip a day. I did 60 once. Maybe one day I can do 100. If the kids playing in the pool don't kill me first, that is. The pool that I'm using is, unfortunately, not just for those serious about doing laps. It embraces those who are in it for a dip, shorts and t-shirt and all -- because it's the Philippines, after all -- as well as girls doing selfies above water and under, and kids who love to do cannonballs. It's my fervent wish that the kids stay in the kiddie pool, although they probably can't do cannonballs there.

So far, I've managed to do my 20 a day. There are three ways that can make this doable. First, befriend the lifeguard. He (or she) can tell the kids off when he sees you're serious about your laps. Thank you, lifeguard. Second, bring your boyfriend to the pool. Mine is pretty intense when he watches over me, and so the kids get scared. Third, tell them to go play elsewhere. Polite as can be, of course.

Summer in Manila can get pretty hot. Okay, I admit: really hot. I can't do my usual yoga without feeling like I'm in bikram all the time. Even restorative yoga becomes unbearable in the heat. The solution? One hour of yoga and then jump in the pool. More and more, swimming feels like yoga. When I coordinate my breathing with the moves I make with my body, it feels a little like vinyasa and a lot like meditation in motion.

Whatever it is you do to find your peace, know that this sense of calm has the power to carry you throughout the rest of your day. Rowdy kids notwithstanding. Breaaathe.

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