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5 ways to shut your brain

Good morning from Singapore! We are in super-hectic-week mode. All those keep-calm reminders? Nah-uh, not working. The items on my to-do list? Multiplying exponentially. And in between errands I'm adding more tasks to do. I'm moving at the speed of light. My brain is on overdrive, and not surprisingly, I'm comatose by the time I hit the sack. There isn't enough hours in the day to do all the things I need to do. Sound familiar? *Sigh* You and me both. Here are five things that may help.

Photo taken at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

1. Breathe

Before anything else, breathe. Yes, breathe. Deep, mindful breaths. 5 breaths. 7 breaths. Break into a sun salutation sequence. Begin in mountain pose. Inhale, raise your arms overhead. Exhale, forward fold. Inhale halfway lift, left foot back, right foot back, plank, chaturanga, up dog, should I maybe do yoga teacher training? Dammit, breathe, stop thinking! Down dog, right foot forward, left foot forward, halfway lift, forward fold, rise with a flat back, mountain pose.

2. Sweat it out

Run. Swim. Crossfit. 60-minute vinyasa. Whatever floates your boat.

3. Get with the program

TV, I mean. You think you've got problems? Man, Sansa Stark has problems. And McDreamy, really? I'd just gotten off Breaking Bad, aka the greatest show ever, and I'm gearing up for House of Cards. Find a series, and watch it to your heart's content. You don't have time? Make the time. Add it to your to-do list, if that helps.

4. Eat a Frosty

Or cake. Or a Frosty and a cake. Or go on, do the wine buffet. Whatever it is that you've put off doing because you're so busy, do it. Carve out this time for yourself, even if it's in between errands.

5. Restorative yoga

To shut your brain, find your zen. You know how sometimes you've got a ton of things to do so you just eat chocolate? That chocolate's your zen. Take a break. You deserve it.

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